Providing free medical treatment to the underserved

Help support missions that educate and heal across Peru.


The Southern California Peruvian American Medical Society improves access to quality healthcare and promotes wellness for the people of Peru, especially the medically underserved, and enhances education for Peruvian medical students and doctors.

When you donate or volunteer, you are helping Southern California PAMS to work collaboratively with Peruvian local providers and medical schools, offering healthcare and education to thousands of patients throughout the country each year. Southern California PAMS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that serves as a chapter of the Peruvian American Medical Society. If you would like to see other medical missions that the national organization supports, please view their webpage:

Medical Missions We Support


The Chincha Clinic was built in response to the terrible earthquake that destroyed Chincha and Pisco in 2007. It now provides preventative and diagnostic care to anyone in the region, with the help of sub-specialty care from Lima provided on weekends.

The Huancavelica-Churcampa Mission focuses on bringing help to an underserved area in the Andes of Peru at 11,000 feet. They have a medical center with
limited resources, and the nearest main hospital is three to four hours away.

Hearts with Hope provides medical, dental and humanitarian assistance to children with congenital heart disease in the underserved global community.


Selva In Action (SIA) is a volunteer medical, educational, and empowerment project that provides assistance to villagers living along the Rio Momón in the Amazon jungle, a short distance from the city of Iquitos, Perú.

The Santiago de Chuco Mission provides short term medical, surgical, dental, vision, and health promotion services to the underserved and vulnerable town in La Libertad, Peru.

The Huancavelica-Lircay Mission provides two-weeks of free medical services -- including surgery, internal medicine, ophthalmology, pediatrics, and urology -- to one of the poorest regions of Peru.


Upcoming Events

  • Please see Selva in Action under Medical Missions for more information

  • This Zoom webinar organized by the Committee of Education will feature presentations centered on the COVID-19 vaccination status in Peru and on the benefits and risks of vaccination on individuals who are pregnant or immune-compromised.

    Register here:

  • This two-day virtual scientific convention will focus on updates in the status of COVID-19 pandemic and important updates in cancer and Alzheimers. Day One programming includes presentations on monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19, the effect of COVID-19 on mental health in adults and children, and how COVID-19 impacted certain regions of Peru. Day Two programming includes clinical research in Peru, the benefits and consequences of immunotherapy for cancer, and updates in Alzheimers research and pathology.

    All programming will be conducting over Zoom.

    Day 1 programming can be accessed through PAMS here:

    Day 2 programming can be accessed through PAMS here:

Make a donation.

It all begins with your generosity. Every mission, every piece of medical equipment, every infrastructure project, it all starts with people who are willing to invest, monetarily or physically. If you find yourself in a position to help and have any desire to assist in providing needed healthcare to underserved Peruvians, please click on the link below to donate. If you’d like to get involved please fill out a form and we’ll reach out to you.
